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Do you REALLY need your mirror?

Indirect vision: this is a hard skill to learn and is so tempting not to do. How many times have we said "oh, I'll just do this real quick?" Pretty soon that "real quick" turns into hours or a bad habit over time.

Could you practice NOT using your mirror? Sure!


Would you experience pain, fatigue, and injury? You bet!


When we don't use our mirror, we are prone to :

  • Bending (see below image)

  • Twisting

  • Hunching (see below image)

  • Going upside down at times

There are some areas we can use direct vision (such as the lower anterior facials) but what about trying to see the lingual of #3 or #14 (like the image above)? That's when we really start to kill our bodies.


Using our mirror is crucial! But, we must be sure we are holding and using it correctly.

When clinicians use or hold their mirror incorrectly, they can experience:

  • Arm abduction of the mirror arm (chicken wing)

  • Excessive pinch/grip force

  • Fatigue because of incorrect arm position and not allowing the arm to rest (see below image)

Using our mirror and holding it correctly is a skill that may or may not be taught in school.

I teach my clients and students of my courses a technique called the mirror slam.


The mirror slam allows you to hold your mirror ergonomically while also allowing your mirror arm to rest. It gives great stability when retracting those strong cheeks, lips, and tongues.

I recently released a brand-new patient positioning course which includes video tutorials on the mirror slam, patient positioning, and other techniques to help you practice more ergonomically in the operatory.

If you want to reduce your pain, fatigue, and discomfort in the operatory, this course is definitely for you.

Even better, it's 50% off until 6/6/23 (you get over 30 lessons for just $99.50)

I can't wait to share this course with you!


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