Now that it's back to school time, let's revisit the ergonomic risk factors present in dentistry!

In dentistry, we are at risk for injury due to several ergonomic risk factors (according to OSHA). These are:
Contact Stress
There is also my "unofficial" risk factor of little time to recover.
These risk factors were developed by OSHA for every profession. Most professions have one or two, but we in dentistry have all of them.
I don't say this to scare you, but instead to empower you. We can't start being proactive and preventive until we know what we're up against.
Please tune into my Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn where I will be breaking each of these risk factors down so you can better care for yourself!
Also, have you checked out my free operator positioning course yet? I talk about neutral posture, clock positions, and sitting vs. standing dentistry, and it's all free!